Getting a blog seems so tantalizing, easy to maintain, but when it's actually put in front of you, it's one of the most difficult things to continue with. I've only had mine for a week and I'm already forgetting about it.
Anyways! As the end of the year keeps getting closer, I keep seeing more and more "Best of 2000" or "Top of 2k" lists. I thought that maybe I should try it out. But then I realized that would be a lot of effort for not too many people to see. Instead, I'll just list some blogs or collectives that I find either useful or entertaining since I won't be too entertaining for the moment.
Satire for Gen-Y. "Carles" is the anonymous writer of said blog. His grammar and spelling could use some work, his language could be cleaned up, and he could diversify his topics from "alt" culture. But doing so would rid the essence of Carles and everything he stands for. Amorphous, he takes perspective from hipster parents with hipster children, to fresh out of college-looking for themselves as well as a paycheck to help them pay for tickets to the next the XX/Neon Indian/whatever buzzband of the moment is' concert. Most recently, his hoax of retiring, hiring "mainstream ppl," and pulling a Jay-Z have caught interest, but he doesn't really care, because he knows that whatever he does, people will come back.
This collective website with editors who choose whose stories to publish informs the average consumer about the business world, as it relates to consumers, and assuming that the average consumer is a young adult with an open mind who can take a joke, but doesn't laugh when it's his or her property and dignity on the line. This site, which happens to be affiliated with Consumer Reports, is a go-to for anyone with problems with big business, whether you attempt to submit a story or just browse looking for similar stories for advice. Also, the editors of the blog's blurbs are often punchy with a bit of snarkiness that helps keep the reader informed as well as entertained.
Same with the Consumerist. This internet collective informs the reader in a way that is interesting as well as informative, but from a more experienced standpoint. Go here and search for any tech item you're considering buying. Chances are they've tried it out and have reviewed it.
Another collective, this website is basically a newsfeed of anything weird or abnormally intering that happens. Um... just go there, trust me, you'll find something, if not everything, that'll catch your eye and in the least be a topic for conversation with friends they will not only find interesting, but probably be jealous that you knew first.
This is my personal favorite "design" blog. I quote that because it becomes less about the design of a product or advertisement, and more about novelty in some of the articles. Either way, it's an interesting place to get ideas.
Name look familiar? The Sartorialist is a former fashion buyer-turn-photog who travels the world working while looking for people with impeccable style, interesting taste, and a bit of ingenuity. Not willing to judge based on social strata, he'll photograph anything deemed interesting, inspiring, or even cute. Use him for ideas for future outfits, or even trend-watching, seeing how he was selected as one of Time Magazine's Top 100 Design Influencers.
If you enjoy lolcats and things that don't make much sense, this collective is perfect. Pairing random, sometimes famous, sometimes intensely obscure quotes with a picture that is- yes- completely unrelated often results in a bewildered look from people who take themselves too serious as well as roaring laughter from people who find the conjunction of a picture of a toilet with the quote, "Jack, I'll never let go" hilarious.
Another internet collective, this website pulls information from music blogs all over the world. Often, the next buzzband or new, unreleased song from an artist will be found here. With the ability to watch people's shifting interest, to be randomly pointed towards an unknown source or music, this website has the ability to not only read the future, but put a soundtrack to it as well.
For the emo kid in all of us.
I know this isn't a blog or collective, but it's pretty damn good for wasting time, which, if you think about, is one of the main uses of the internet.
Possibly one of the most disappointing social networking sites with the cleanest design, Facebook is the powerhouse when it comes to connecting with friends. Shown in research to be the preferred social site for people in the upper-middle to middle class economic ring compared to its "s0 2004" counterpart, Myspace, this is where the Farmville epidemic, heartbreak for family members seeing their son/daughter/niece/nephew/grandson/grandaughter pounding back shots of vodka after doing a body shot off of someone who probably isn't allowed within 100 feet of anywhere that sells alcohol, and majority of college/high school students spend their time.
- Did I miss ne good websites?
- Are there ne intricacies of the a4mentioned websites that I missed that cud probz be taken into consideration?
- Is there nething I listed you think is st00pid?
- R U alt enuff to find this interesting?
- Is me tlkng lyke Carles irritating?
- Are you going on Facebook after having read this? -I know I will.